Monthly Archives: May 2020

Day 3 Circle of Blank

Before we go into the details, I  want to cycle back to the circle of blank.  It’s pretty much the third day, and my mood has cycled up and down so many times in the last two days. The 3rd day was pretty much fun actually.  I had a hand-over meeting about tasks I was […]

A History Worth Repeating Itself


Let me start by telling you that I went for a trip in an actual car!  Yes.  A car.  This hasn’t happened in the last couple of months, and the relief that I can still drive was overwhelming.  With the ease on lock down, I decided to go out to some artificial lakes here in […]

A Thousand Words

A thousand words…A thousand light years? Either way, a different measure, and no interconnectedness whatsoever.  My side-endeavor to create an artist’s blog (I talk about this here) stopped dead in its tracks.  And here is why: Firstly, my inability to rate art , and/or to express preference or lack thereof for artwork. Except for one piece […]

A Dollar for Your “Like”

Missing the sky

Remember that picture I posted on that first post. The one from Poland. Check it out if you don’t follow me (click here). Well, it got me thinking that a picture is a mirror for those looking at it. But it is also an extension of our feeling at the moment the blowfish in us […]

Day 2 Since Released

On the call with HR! The smiling faces on the video cam conducting my interview were designed to calm me, and they did.  It was a pleasant 1-hour discussion on what comes next, and the process for departure.  No, not travel.  Bummer, huh?  Should I use a different word just so you don’t make an […]

Roll Down the Wheat for a Few Thoughts

Welcome to my first blog post. I have not thought about what it will be about. My mind works differently. But, I have figured out what my second post will be about. Yep, different. So read on – or just skip to the second post, which I can guarantee will be there. Content wise…you be […]

Day 1 – Just Released!

Guide to Unemployment - Breaking Free

Yes, I am indeed referring to a release from frustration, stress and a heaviness that has been pressing on my body for a few years.  Just released. Oh! Right! I was let go. Yes, I was a gun found at a crime site. Shhh. I’m avoiding that word. It was Thursday May 7, 2020, and my boss […]

A Seek Without a Hide

Why am I here? And why am I thinking about blogging now? Your guess is as good as mine. So any ideas, and I can paste them in place of that last sentence. No really. I’ve been a career oriented person for 20 years now. Work came first, and for that matter, it came last […]