
Before the blog or now that there is a blog? Which ‘about’ to share?Let’s start with a name. It’s the same before and after.

‘Raed’, this four lettered word that is phonetically consistent in Arabic, did lead me to develop multiple personality disorder over the years due to the phonetically dynamic, dare I say adventurous, experiences I’ve faced when people called me while working in a multi-national environment.It has several meanings in Arabic.The two most common are “major” in military terms, and “astronaut”.I prefer “astronaut”, for many reasons, but also cause astronauts are awesome.

As a kid, I was very fond of astronomy.You could say I was introverted, as per our social definitions, but to be interested in the universe, far beyond the neighbor, city, country and continent, is by definition, as well, a fanatic extrovert.This is something that is still confusing me today.I did venture underwater and enjoyed scuba diving for a few years, and I did not go alone.Basically, I looked above the plane where people live, and eventually below.Maybe I am an introvert after all.Maybe I just wanted to avoid the plane where people are.LOL, to add to that thought, I did study geology.That goes to show that I was willing to look away from the human level, even if that had me digging through rock!!

I currently decided to start a blog to share thoughts, random as can be, about the world, myself, and topics that come to mind.Blending them with humor, melancholy, pictures, and whatever plane my mind wanders to.

I hope you become more than just a visitor here, and your thoughts, as separate posts or comments on existing ones are more than welcome.

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